
CBD 5th Anniversary

The Council for Board Diversity marked our 5th year in spearheading efforts to encourage organisations on their journey of leveraging board diversity for enterprise value on 31 August 2023. Themed Leadership in a Rapidly Changing World, the anniversary forum brought together exemplary women speakers – including Council patron, President Halimah Yacob – for engaging discussions on stewarding organisations in a time of change.

Council for Board Diversity Roundtable 20230707
What happens when the Council for Board Diversity brings together chairs and members of board nominating committees (from top 100...
Event Slides Future of Charity Boards 23 Nov 2022 thumbnail.jpg
How can charities future-proof themselves? The answer to this question formed the crux of the discussion at the Future of...
CBD Webinar 27 May 2021
True leadership can arise out of any crisis. The Covid-19 pandemic was a level playing field for leaders, owing to...
SGBoardDiversityIndex finalslides 16Sep2020 1
SID offers a set of affordable board appointment services that companies can tap on to find and appoint suitable directors. Depending...
Digital Fireside Chat with Ong Chong Tee 5 August 2020 edit 1
Mr Ong Chong Tee, Deputy Managing Director of Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and a member of the Council for...
CBD Fireside Chat with Euleen Goh 16 Jun 2020 edit
The Council for Board Diversity organised a Leadership-in-Action Conversation with Euleen Goh, non-executive Chairperson of SATS Ltd, non-executive director of...