Board Appointment Guide for Charities

A practical tool to help charities navigate succession and appointment of the right leaders for their future.

Good governance is crucial for charities to elevate credibility, attract donor and volunteer support, and better serve their beneficiaries. With charities consistently held to elevated levels of accountability, attention is increasingly shifted to the people who steward charities and are responsible for good governance – board directors. The Board Appointment Guide for Charities is a collaborative effort led by the Council for Board Diversity, with Ernst and Young, National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre, and the Singapore Institute of Directors. It encompasses valuable insights from board leaders with deep experience in both the corporate and charity sectors. The Guide aims to serve as a useful and practical tool to help charities navigate succession and appointment of the right leaders for their future. It encourages charities to consider their board composition and the importance of including wider forms of diversity on the board such as gender, ethnicity and age. It comes with recommended practices consistent with the Code of Governance for Charities and IPCs as well as practical templates for charities’ direct application. It will be applicable to charities of all sizes, regardless of whether they have a dedicated Nominating Committee.

The Guide on Board Appointments covers a comprehensive range of topics which an organisation must be mindful of to build a strong and effective board which can pilot the organisation towards achieving its Mission and Vision. The Guide is indeed a valuable tool for all Charities.

Dr Gerard Ee
Former Chair, Charity Council
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