Adeline Sim
Executive Director, HRnetGroup
“If you work cohesively, you will end up far better as a result…People coming together is a lot more powerful than if you just look for star performers.”
Angelene Chan
CEO, DP Architects
“For me, design and the creative process is gender-neutral. I have always thought of myself simply as ‘an architect’.”
Aw Kah Peng
Chair, Shell Singapore
“If you give me a task, I will give it my best shot. I won’t say I don’t know how to do it. Give me a few days or a couple of months and I will find the solution.”
Chew Gek Khim
Chair, Straits Trading Company Limited
“People always think they’re right but when you have to be transparent and accountable, it forces you to think: Is this really right?”
Chin Wei Jia
Group CEO, Health Management International
“I don’t believe social and business objectives are different. Healthcare is a business but it’s also a public good. … In everything, we think of people first – one person at a time.”
Chng Sok Hui
Chief Financial Officer, DBS
“I built many functions from scratch, and in the process, deepened the capabilities and talent bench strength of the bank.”
Chong Ee Rong
Independent Director, Certis Group
“A lot of times, it’s not about not being given the opportunity, but not creating that opportunity for ourselves.”
Chong Yoke Sin
Independent Director, Wilmar International Ltd
“Technology must serve a higher purpose. … Technology should be deployed in a humane way that improves society's quality of life at large.”
Diaan-Yi Lin
Senior Partner and Asia Co-leader for the Social, Healthcare and Public Entities, McKinsey & Company
“Increasing the number and percentage of women on corporate boards is not only equitable; it is also an effective approach to strengthen companies and national economies, by enabling them to tap into the best available people across entire talent pools.”
Eleanor Seet
President and Head of Asia ex-Japan, Nikko Asset Management
“We enable our women employees by fostering an environment that provides the support they need to continue in or rejoin the workforce.”