Dr Seow Yian San

President, Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO)

Dr. Seow Yian San is the President of the Singapore Council of Women’s Organizations (SCWO). She has led key committees within SCWO, including the Membership and Audit Committees, as well as the Women’s Register, underscoring her dedication to governance and advocacy for women’s causes.

Dr. Seow served as the President of the Association of Women Doctors (Singapore) (AWDS) from 2020 to 2022, becoming the first and only dentist elected to this role.

Previously, she was President of the Association of Orthodontists (Singapore) and held several key positions within the Singapore Dental Association, showcasing her extensive leadership experience in the dental field.

Dr. Seow is Singapore’s representative to the World Federation of Orthodontists and has been nominated as the Orthodontics Chapter Chairperson at the College of Dental Surgeons for the 2024–2026 term.

Currently, she serves as an appointed member of the Singapore Dental Council Complaints Panel and is a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore.

In addition, Dr. Seow works in private practice.